Monday 24 February 2014

Computer Networking : A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet

Computer Networking : A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet:

1.   Computer Networks and the Internet
1. What is the Internet?
2. What is a Protocol?
3. The Network Edge
4. The Network Core
   Interactive Programs for Tracing Routes in the Internet
   Java Applet: Message Switching and Packet Switching
5. Access Networks and Physical Media
6. Delay and Loss in Packet-Switched Networks
7. Protocol Layers and Their Service Models
8. Internet Backbones, NAPs and ISPs
9. A Brief History of Computer Networking and the Internet
12.Homework Problems and Discussion Questions
2. Application Layer
1. Principles of Application-Layer Protocols
2. The World Wide Web: HTTP
3. File Transfer: FTP
4. Electronic Mail in the Internet
5. The Internet's Directory Service: DNS
■  Interactive Programs for Exploring DNS
6. Socket Programming with TCP
7. Socket Programming with UDP
8. Building a Simple Web Server
9. Summary
10.Homework Problems and Discussion Questions
3. Transport Layer
1. Transport-Layer Services and Principles
2. Multiplexing and Demultiplexing Applications
3. Connectionless Transport: UDP
4. Principles of Reliable of Data Transfer
■  Java Applet: Flow Control in Action
5. Connection-Oriented Transport: TCP
6. Principles of Congestion Control
7. TCP Congestion Control
8. Summary
9. Homework Problems and Discussion Questions
4. Network Layer and Routing
1. Introduction and Network Service Model
2. Routing Principles
3. Hierarchical Routing
4. Internet Protocol
■  Java Applet: IP Fragmentation
5. Routing in the Internet
6. What is Inside a Router?
7. IPv6
8. Multicast Routing
9. Summary
10.Homework Problems and Discussion Questions
5. Link Layer and Local Area Networks
1. The Data Link Layer: Introduction, Services
2. Error Detection and Correction
3. Multiple Acces Protocols and LANs
4. LAN Addresses and ARP
5. Ethernet
■  CSMA/CD Applet
6. Hubs, Bridges and Switches
7. Wireless LANs: IEEE 802.11
8. The Point-to-Point Protocol
X.25 and Frame Relay
12.Homework Problems and Discussion Questions
6. Multimedia Networking
1. Multimedia Networking Applications
2. Streaming Stored Audio and Video
3. Making the Best of the Best-Effort Service: An Internet Phone Example
4. RTP
5. Beyond Best Effort
6. Scheduling and Policing Mechanisms for Providing QoS Guarantees
7. Integrated Services
9. Differentiated Services
10. Summary
11. Homework Problems and Discussion Questions
7.  Security in Computer Networks
1. What is Network Security?
2. Principles of Cryptography
3. Authentication: Who are You?
4. Integrity
5. Key Distribution and Certification
6. Secure E-Mail
7. Internet Commerce
8. Network-Layer Security: IPsec
■  1999 Panel Discussion on Internet Security
9. Summary
10. Homework Problems and Discussion Questions
8.  Network Management
1. What is Network Managmenet?
2. The Infrastructure for Network Management
3. The Internet Network Management Framework
4. ASN.1
5. Firewalls
6. Summary
7. Homework Problems and Discussion Questions
●     Lab: Building a multi-threaded Web server in Java
●     Lab: Building a mail user agent in Java
●     Lab: Implementing a reliable transport protocol
●     Lab: Implementing a distributed, asynchronous distance vector routing algorithm


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