Monday 24 February 2014

A novel location estimation based on pattern matching algorithm in underwater environments

A novel  location estimation based on pattern matching algorithm in underwater environments:

a b s t r a  c t 

In this paper, we  present a novel approach based on  pattern recognition to treat the underwater locali- zation. The  goal  is  to achieve underwater localization by  the pattern matching algorithm. It should be noted that the reflected signals in underwater environments do not affect our location estimation. There- fore,  the underwater localization in this study is straightforward and efficient by using the pattern match- ing  algorithm. We  exploit the maximum likelihood (ML) to perform our study. Initially, the underwater signals are  collected by  the sound receiver at some sampling locations. These signals are  suitably pro- cessed by  the ML models and are  stored in database. The  test location in real-time is estimated through the database. Experimental results show that good accuracy of positioning can  be  obtained by  proposed schemes. The  proposed localization schemes can  be  applied to many other applications in  underwater



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