Monday 24 February 2014

A quadratic optimization method for connectivity and coverage control in backbone-based wireless networks:

A quadratic optimization method for connectivity and  coverage control in backbone-based wireless networks:

a b s t r a c t 

The   use of  directional wireless communications to form flexible mesh backbone net- works, which provide broadband connectivity to capacity-limited wireless networks or hosts, promises to  circumvent the  scalability limitations of  traditional  homogeneous wireless networks. The  main challenge in  the design of  directional wireless backbone (DWB)  networks is to assure backbone network requirements such as  coverage and con- nectivity in  a  dynamic wireless environment. This  paper considers the use of  mobility control, as  the dynamic reposition of  backbone nodes, to provide assured coverage-con- nectivity in dynamic environments. This  paper presents a novel approach to the joint cov- erage-connectivity optimization problem by  formulating it as  a  quadratic minimization problem. Quadratic cost functions for  network coverage and backbone connectivity are defined in  terms of  the square distance between neighbor nodes, which are   related to the actual energy usage of  the network system. Our   formulation allows the design of self-organized network systems which autonomously achieve energy minimizing config- urations driven by  local forces  exerted on  network nodes. The  net force on  a  backbone node is  defined as  the negative energy gradient at the location of  the backbone node. A completely distributed algorithm is presented that allows backbone nodes to adjust their positions based on  information about neighbors’ position only. We  present initial simula- tion results that show the effectiveness of  our force-based mobility control algorithm to provide network configurations that optimize both network coverage and backbone con- nectivity in  different scenarios. Our  algorithm is shown to be  adaptive, scalable and self-


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