Monday 24 February 2014

A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks

A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks

An ad hoc mobile network is a collection of mobile nodes that are dynamically and arbitrarily  located  in such a manner  that the interconnections between  nodes are capable  of changing on a continual  basis. In order  to facilitate  communication within the network,  a routing  protocol  is used to discover routes  between  nodes. The primary goal of such an ad hoc network routing  protocol  is correct  and efficient route  establishment between  a pair of nodes so that messages may be delivered  in a timely manner.  Route  construction should be done with a minimum of overhead and bandwidth consumption. This article examines routing  protocols  for ad hoc networks and evaluates  these protocols  based on a given set of parameters. The article provides an overview of eight different  protocols  by presenting  their characteristics and functionality,  and then provides a comparison  and discussion of their respective  merits and drawbacks.


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