Monday 24 February 2014

A routing protocol based on node density for ad hoc networks:

A routing protocol based on node density for ad hoc networks:


Ad  hoc networks are a type of mobile network that functions without any fixed infrastructure.  One of the weak- nesses of ad hoc networks is that a route used between a source and a destination is likely  to break during commu- nication. To solve this problem, one approach consists of selecting routes whose nodes have the most stable behavior. Another  strategy  aims  at  improving  the route  repair  procedure.  This  paper  proposes a  method for  improving  the success rate of local route repairs in mobile ad hoc networks. This  method is based on the density of the nodes in the neighborhood of a route and on the availability of nodes in this neighborhood. Theoretical computation and simulation results show that  the data  packet  loss rate  decreased significantly  compared  to  other methods which are well documented in the literature.  In  addition,  the time required to complete a local  route repair  following a failure was significantly reduced


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