Saturday 15 February 2014

Encyclopedia of Earth Science

Acknowledgments xi
Introduction    xiii
Entries A–Z    1
Feature Essays: “Coping with Sea-Level Rise in Coastal Cities” 81
“Gaia Hypothesis”   82
“Desertification and Climate Change”  116
“Earthquake Warning Systems”    131
“Loma Prieta Earthquake, 1989”  132
“Mississippi River Basin and the Midwest Floods of 1927 and 1993”   152
“Age of the Earth”   166
“Formation of the Earth and Solar System”   203
“Galveston Island Hurricane, 1900”   214
“Is There Life on Mars?”   262
“Lahars of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia, 1985”   266
“History of Ocean Exploration”   302
“The World’s Oldest Ophiolite”   307
“Homo sapiens sapiens and Neandertal Migration and Relations in the Ice Ages”  338
“Is Your Home Safe from Radon?”   350
“Why Is Seawater Blue?”   379
“Seismology and Earth’s Internal Structure”   383
“December 26, 2004: Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami”   437
“Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics”   452
Appendix I  Periodic Table of the Elements   477
Appendix II The Geologic Timescale   479
Classification of Species    480
Summary of Solar System Data   480
Evolution of Life and the Atmosphere   480
Index   481


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